Before know about the third party EDB to PST conversion solution to repair your corrupted EDB file first try to understand how the EDB file got corrupted and what the errors you face from corrupted file. Here is the article to get to know about EDB file corruption completely.
Couldn’t access your mailbox data? Then would be from these reasons
Error from Jet Engine:
From dirty shutdown and unexpected power failure:
Issues in database organizing
From virus attack
Hardware and software problems
From excessive database storage
Errors from user side
Most common errors you may seen from corrupted Exchange Server are
Error 1018: The most common reason for getting this error is page level corruptions in EDB files like incorrect location of data on hard disk, inaccurate checksum calculation, and data overwritten.
Error 1216: Network related issues cause these errors.
Dirty shutdown error: Inconsistency in the transaction log files influence the server environment and leads to irregular shutting down of server. Basically transaction log files keep the record of database modification
Unable to mount the database error: When you try to mount the data from database in inconsistence state you get this error
Exchange error 1056749110: Corrupt items found in the mailbox are the reasons for getting this error
So to recover these errors if you are in a need for effective software recovery then make use of EdbMails Application to re access your damage EDB file data.

EdbMails for immediate recovery from these errors
To fix all these error and to get the successful result it’s better to prefer for professional recovery tool available on the market. EdbMails is the complete package for recovery and migration operation which instantly start the recover process to fix the errors and let the Exchange user free from corrupted file errors by making the corrupted file accessible on Outlook. You can access your Exchange mailbox data on Outlook PST using EdbMails EDB to PST Converter tool.
Following are the results from EdbMails recovery tool
Recovers the complete mailbox items without data loss.
Public folder recovery from Exchange database
Accidently deleted Exchange mailbox recovery
Single and multiple attachments recovery
Supports the Exchange version 2003, 2007, 2010,2013,2016,2019 for recovery.