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adidas maakt je klaar voor je reizen deze zomer met de nieuwe Adidas Climacool Dames/Heren Voyager. De robuuste maar toch lichte en ultra-ademende wandelschoen is perfect voor die warme zomerwandelingen wanneer je de bescherming en tractie van een wandelschoen nodig hebt, maar het ademende vermogen van een luchtige mesh runner.

De nieuwe hitsneaker van de zomer van adidas Originals wordt vandaag officieel onthuld in twee nieuwe kleuren. De Adidas Climacool Schoenen arriveert precies op tijd voor de rest van de zomerhitte om je koel te houden en er cool uit te zien, en dit augustus in één kleurstelling voor mannen en vrouwen. De herenversie heeft een eenvoudig volledig zwart bovenwerk met zwarte accenten, terwijl de damesversie een pruimpaars (officieel 'Red Night') bovenwerk en witte zool heeft.
Adidas Climacool Lage Prijs viert Los Angeles met een speciale editie-release van een van hun meest relevante retro lopers van het moment in de adidas ClimaCOOL. Het model uit de vroege jaren 2000 heeft net een opknapbeurt gekregen met de introductie van de adidas ClimaCOOL 02/17, maar er gaat nog steeds niets boven een klassieker. De ClimaCOOL Los Angeles profiteert van een modieuze esthetiek die een schoon wit bovenwerk combineert met donkergrijs suède op de tong en de hiel voor een levensstijlgerichte uitstraling.
Er zijn foto's naar voren gekomen die een vroege glimp geven van de nieuwste versie van de Adidas Climacool Goedkoop die in 2018 uitkomt. Dit nieuwste model lijkt een aanzienlijk verschil te zijn met eerdere ClimaCool-silhouetten. Het heeft een gescheiden zool, zoals de vorige versie deed, maar zonder de grote middenvoetschacht die tussen de twee delen liep. Het bovenwerk heeft ook meer een eenvoudige gebreide look met een intrigerend ventilatiepaneel aan de middenvoet. Qua colorway blijft deze weergave ook ietwat ingehouden met een eenvoudige mix van crèmewitte en kastanjebruine accenten.
Na een hitdebuut deze zomer is de Kopen Adidas Climacool terug voor een nieuwe run dit najaar en raakt het retailers nu in een reeks nieuwe looks voor mannen en vrouwen. Eerder deze week zagen we een "Napolitaans" pakket van de bijgewerkte ClimaCOOL voor de dames, en nu krijgen we een andere kijk op de roze versie, samen met drie kleuren voor mannen vandaag. De luchtige en stijlvolle sneaker wordt aangeboden in drie passende herfstkleuren zwart, grijs en olijfgroen, samen met de meer kleurrijke roze editie voor vrouwen.
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Russell Westbrook è sempre stato chiaro su quanto la sua famiglia significhi per lui, non scappare mai dalla sneaker onoraria come questa nuova colorazione Scarpe de Air Jordan "Why Not" che vedi qui. Con una colorazione "The Family", questa combinazione di colori monarchici combina nero e oro con colpi di bianco, con la più brillante di quelle tre tonalità responsabili del suo marchio e delle sue speciali lettere. Uno dei dettagli chiave di Why Not Zer0.2 è il tag esposto che prende forma all'esterno anziché all'interno, leggendo "The Family" nel testo di questa volta.

Per febbraio, il marchio Air Jordan "Why Not" Donne/Uomo si unirà a entrambe le sue consociate in Nike e Converse per rilasciare collezioni su scala nera del Black History Month che abbracciano alcune delle sue migliori silhouette. Per la commemorazione di quest'anno, Jumpman è pronto a scaricare Jordan Why Not Zer0.2, un “Equality” Air Jordan 1 maturo con il marchio Melo - proprio come il BHM AJ1 dell'anno scorso - e un Air Jordan 2. Mentre la serie BHM del 2018 era centrata attorno allo stendardo tricolore della Pan-Africa, quest'anno si basa su una serie di modelli africani tradizionali che aiutano a infondere un senso di uguaglianza nei potenziali consumatori.
Nel frattempo, sull'intersuola appare la stampa in cemento, un altro classico del marchio Jordan. Air Jordan "Why Not" Saldi Una sana dose di stile moderno è quindi fornita dagli accenti rosa rossastro di tuono sulla suola e sul colletto. Le scarpe si completano anche con un'altra scatola personalizzata per gentile concessione di Recon Beat Labs, che potresti riconoscere dal Nintendo Game Boy Why Not Zer0.2 che recentemente è emerso.
La base in rete bianca e nera è impreziosita da accenti colorati, il più evidente dei quali è la parte superiore del piede, un design audace con un campione di materiale iridescente lucido che si trova sopra un motivo a scacchiera sul quarto. Acquista Air Jordan "Why Not" Il rosso, il giallo volt e il verde brillante ricevono lo stesso tempo sull'intersuola e le linguette di ogni tallone / linguetta della scarpa offrono una grafica arcobaleno Pride bandiera esque. Questo look forte funziona sicuramente bene su Why Not Zer0.2 SE - una scarpa nota per i suoi dettagli decostruiti - e se Westbrook e James Harden sono in grado di stabilire una simmetria di backcourt "Brodie And The Beard", i risultati in campo potrebbero essere come scintillanti come queste scarpe.
Air Jordan "Why Not" Prezzo di Russell Westbrook è una delle scarpe da basket dall'aspetto più unico oggi sul mercato e ora viene rimossa quanto basta per le sessioni estive del cerchio grazie a una nuova versione SE che debutterà in un " City Tour ”colorway. Tutto su una maggiore velocità / mobilità e riduzione del peso, i nuovi calci di Brodie offrono una tomaia decostruita con dettagli alternati come una sovrapposizione in TPE trasparente sulla parte mediana e uno strato esterno rimosso sulla volpe che presenta dettagli in schiuma a vista per un maggiore comfort.
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After the original ‘Ultramarine’ colorway released earlier in 2013 in OG form, the Nike Air Max 180 for Men and Women brings forth more early 90s styles back for the holiday season. The pink/purple WMNS edition is crossing over to mens sizes, joining another 1992 makeup in this white, purple and gold rendition. The blocking and overall composition is a perfect reproduction of the original and sure to be highly coveted, but US release info has yet to be announced.

When the original pairs of the Nike Air Max 180 Sneakers sold back in 1991 and ’92, the pair pictured above was a WMNS release only. Times have changed over the past two decades, and in addition to the model being referred to as Nike Air Max 180 now, this Laser Crimson/Bright Magenta mix is being ported over to mens sizes. This is a great move for a colorway that perfectly captures the energy of the era, and goes to show that guys have grown to see the charm of carefully balanced pinks and purples, in large part thanks to seeing dope product like this over the years.
Did you know that both of these Shop Nike Air Max 180 releases are OG colorways? The concord leaning version was the very pair that Michael Jordan himself could be spotted in from time to time during the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. The other doesn’t have quite the historical significance but is no doubt sitll a head turner thanks to the choices of laser crimson and magenta.
It’s more than just the colors that pay homage though: a soundwave pattern on both the heel and tongue acknowledge the satisfying “wubs” that are an integral part of dance music. Nike Air Max 180 on Sale The metropolis-specific detailing also continues on the midsole/outsole, with a neon green Air bag and a translucent forefoot that boasts “FREEDOM” on the left foot and “UNITY” on the right in bold text, both centered among more soundwaves.
Inspired by the creative communities and club scenes that flourished in the city after the fall of the Berlin Wall in the early ’90s, Cheap Nike Air Max 180 is a loving homage to a historic cultural moment in Germany’s capital. The Air Max 180 first released in 1991, and quickly became the shoe of choice among the German nightlife community, so Nike is bringing this special edition to market on Air Max Day to celebrate the compelling relationship between metropolis and sneaker.
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Der Adidas Stan Smith Damen/Herren hat 2014 sein Durchhaltevermögen unter Beweis gestellt. Wird der Tennis-Klassiker 2015 fortgesetzt? Mit mehr Gerüchten über Pharrell-Kollaborationen und einer hoffnungsvollen Rückkehr zu Premium-Finishs, ähnlich wie es die drei Streifen mit ihrem Superstar Deluxe 80s tun, wird die Zukunft für den Stan Smith nur noch besser. Hier sehen wir eine schwarz-gelbe Variante, die mit einer cremefarbenen Zwischensohle für ein edles Finish die Dinge schlicht hält.

Nigo gehört zu den drei Streifen, während Hiroshi Fujiwara zum Swoosh gehört. Adidas Stan Smith Schuhe Jedes bringt immer wieder eine unerwartete kreative Note in die Heftung. Bei diesem Spiel um den ehemaligen Kopf von A Bathing Ape greift der adidas Stan Smith zum traditionellen Schnürsystem für drei Klettbänder. Es führt uns zurück in die Tage des Lernens, unsere eigenen Schuhe in den GS-Jahren zu binden.
Erinnern Sie sich an Pharrells "Super Color" -Kollektion, die uns 50 monochrome Farbvarianten des klassischen adidas Superstar beschert hat? Adidas Stan Smith Rabatt Es sieht so aus, als ob die drei Streifen diese Zusammenarbeit so mögen, dass die Marke dem adidas Stan Smith eine ähnliche Ästhetik verleiht. Richtig, der Tennis-Klassiker kehrt in dieser Frühjahrssaison 2016 in einer Reihe von einfachen und doch lebendigen Farben der adiColor-Kategorie zurück. Das Obermaterial ist mit Bonbons überzogen und in Meeresschaumgrün, Königsblau oder Pastelltangerine getaucht. Das Obermaterial wechselt je nach Farbton sogar von einem glatten, matten Untergrund zu Mikroperforationen.
Adidas Stan Smith Günstig Der belgische Designer Raf Simons startete 1995 seine erste Menswear-Kampagne. Jetzt, zwei Jahrzehnte später, erweitert er seine Reichweite auf Menschen wie Christian Dior und andere mit einer beispiellosen Liebe zum Detail und inspirierten Visionen, die nur er entwickeln konnte. Was hatte er für den adidas Stan Smith geplant? Simons überarbeitete das normale Schnürsystem mit drei übereinanderliegenden schmalen Trägern, um das Drei-Streifen-Branding nachzuahmen, das normalerweise in der Stan Smith-Silhouette fehlt, um eine spielerische Wendung zu erzielen.
Der Kaufen Adidas Stan Smith behält sein ursprüngliches und kultiges Farbschema bei, erhält jedoch ein metallisches Upgrade für diese Damenversion des klassischen Tennisschuhs im Frühjahr. Der Fairway Green-Absatz dieses weißen Leders, Stan Smith, der Teil eines "Metallics" -Pakets von adidas Originals-Modellen ist, die exklusiv für Damen erhältlich sind, ist mit einem Metallic-Finish versehen.
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L’adidas Ultra Boost a été occupé ces derniers mois. Chaussures de Adidas Ultra Boost Entre les réapprovisionnements / rééditions des coloris classiques, les collaborations du consortium et encore plus de parles, l'Ultra Boost a conservé sa place à l'avant-garde des offres de la marque Trefoil - et il est désormais prêt à adopter un colorant «Triple Black» tonal. en décembre. Toute la tige est habillée de noir, avec une base noire en Primeknit arrivant sous une cage médiane en nubuck noir et un contrefort de talon en plastique noir. Une semelle intercalaire Boost noire apporte style, soutien et amorti, tandis qu'une semelle extérieure en caoutchouc noir Continental garantit une longévité accrue, tandis qu'une touche rouge sur la semelle extérieure confère une touche de couleur légèrement légère.

Introduit et popularisé par la célèbre marque de streetwear KITH en 2016 par le biais de leur collaboration «Aspen», Adidas Ultra Boost Femme/Homme est sans doute l'une des chaussures de sport les plus esthétiques de la marque Trefoil de ces dernières années. UB Mid possède une empeigne renforcée, une semelle d'usure Continental résistante et une chaussette à col montant pour un confort accru.
Toujours surplombé par l'Adidas Ultra Boost standard, Adidas Ultra Boost Soldes conçu pour offrir plus de stabilité aux coureurs reste une excellente performance - rencontre - casual. Exemple concret: ce nouveau coloris est composé d’un mélange de mélange de Primeknit gris et bleu marine et d’une touche de rose vif pour les murs de soutien internes de la semelle intermédiaire Boost afin de lutter contre la sur-pronation lors de votre course.
Le kolor Adidas Ultra Boost Pas Cher sera sans aucun doute une baisse recherchée ici aux États-Unis, et certains d’entre vous ont même eu la chance d’acquérir cette paire lorsqu’elle est apparue sans prévenir au site phare d’adidas NYC la semaine dernière. La fameuse cage à talons «Gold Medal» est de retour ici, associée à une nuance de sarcelle turquoise mate et solide pour contraster avec la nouvelle construction Primeknit 3.0. Les outils Black Boost alternatifs touchent la semelle intermédiaire, tandis que Solar Red maintient la semelle extérieure en caoutchouc caoutchoutée. Toute l’harmonie «What The» disparaît avec une nuance de jaune vif sur la doublure.
Dans les nouvelles d'aujourd'hui sur le front adidas Ultra Boost, nous sommes heureux d'annoncer qu'un autre nouveau coloris fait son entrée sur les tablettes. Achat Adidas Ultra Boost 19 Le dernier look pour la silhouette populaire performance / style de vie passe au bleu, avec un mélange de nuances bleu royal, foncé et bleu clair sur la tige en Primeknit, la cage médiane du pied et le talon.
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The Nike Sock Dart Men's/Women's has gotten layered up for winter with Tech Fleece, and now it goes the opposite route with this new ‘Breathe' version for the hot months ahead. The stylish lifestyle model gets an all-new breezy mesh upper to keep your feet cool all summer long. The Sock Dart Breathe debuts in this Midnight Navy colorway with a heathered treatment to the mesh with white detailing, while the translucent strap, heel piece, and sole all match in the same shade of dark blue.

It's crazy to think that a few years ago, Hiroshi Fujiwara's fragment design collaboration with the Nike Sock Dart Shoes warranted crazy amounts in the reselling market and today you can near-identical general release colorways for about 50% off. Perhaps the breathable futuristic running model that served as a precursor to both Flyknit and Free technologies just lost some of its luster due to oversaturation. That doesn't mean that Nike Sportswear isn't trying new things with the model, as new knit uppers are going to grace the Sock Dart in the near future just in time for the summer heatwave.
The Purchase Nike Sock Dart was well ahead of its time when it first debuted as the knit-like upper was a precursor to the woven Flyknit craze that would debut years later. The midfoot strap still looks futuristic even by today's standards, especially when it ditches the transparent aesthetic for an added color pop, seen here in Max Orange. Even the outsole unit featured a foreshadowing of the natural motion found in Free models. Virginia continues to roll going into matchups against Notre Dame and no.1 ranked Villanova, so grab this Cavaliers-themed pair while supplies last to show your loyalty.
Tobie Hatfield's Nike Sock Dart on Sale was a cult-classic the moment it debuted in 2004. Since then, Nike Sportswear has rightfully returned the running model to its proper place as a heralded lifestyle crossover through collaborations with Hiroshi Fujiwara's fragment design and a number of new constructions from Tech Fleece to new SE toolings. The original featured a game-changing computerized knit upper and was the first step toward Nike's advancement in Flyknit technology. Now the upcoming Stone Island Nike Sock Dart Mid collaboration once again reinvents the model with updated water-resistant materials on January 26th in three colorways.
Stone Island transforms the Nike Sock Dart with a new mid-cut design with a silicon print upper created through Nike's sandwich mesh fabric in Italy. Buy Nike Sock Dart What resulted was a graphic texturized upper with a faded aesthetic that not only will turn heads but maintains the Sock Dart's heralded ventilation system and flexibility. The Stone Island Nike Sock Dart Mid also features an updated Ariaprene collar while the natural motion-tooled outsole adds additional multi-directional patterns for a better grip this winter season.
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Sebbene questa silhouette non ottenga il suo fascino da versioni a tiratura limitata o confezioni complesse, la Nike Air Max 270 Uomo/Donna ha mantenuto la popolarità e la pertinenza attraverso un'ampia varietà di colorazioni indossabili. Per questo autunno Nike ha scelto di utilizzare una solida atmosfera grigia come base, nascondendo sottili elementi di blu ghiaccio sotto la tomaia in mesh traspirante. Questa sneaker dallo stile di vita puro utilizza colpi di bordeaux scuro per le suole in pizzo e il logo Air 270, dando alla scarpa un leggero tocco contro il resto del corpo.

Dopo la presentazione della Scarpe de Nike Air Max 270 della scorsa settimana, sono state svelate le immagini ufficiali dell'ennesima colorazione esclusiva per donne destinata a cadere lo stesso giorno, Air Max 270 "Flight Gold". Caratterizzata da una tomaia in osso leggero con accenti dorati che arrivano sulla punta, sull'avampiede e sul tallone, la scarpa ha anche un vivace tocco di colore con la sua ampia e audace unità Air Max sul tallone "Hot Punch". L'aspetto pronto per l'estate è legato insieme dal marchio Nike nero sulla tomaia e da un'intersuola bianca pulita.
La silhouette Nike Air Max 270 Svendita continua ad evolversi, poiché il nuovissimo modello Air Max è stato aggiunto a NIKEiD con opzioni ispirate a Mercurial. A partire dal 1998, Nike ha introdotto il mondo nella linea Mercurial in una colorazione blu e gialla che la stella del calcio brasiliano Ronaldo ha debuttato in onore del suo paese d'origine. Negli anni successivi, la Swoosh ha continuato a innovare questo particolare settore della Nike, rendendolo una delle linee più performanti del marchio. Mentre la 270 è una sneaker progettata per lo stile di vita, è più che in grado di sfoggiare le forti combinazioni di colori che hanno contribuito a conferire al personaggio Mercurial basato sulle prestazioni.
Bay Area si alza in piedi, come per la seconda volta questo mese, lo Swoosh è pronto a rilasciare una colorazione Nike Air Max 270 in Vendita adornata con i colori della squadra di una squadra sportiva professionale che chiama la Bay casa. Prima era una varietà blu reale e oro per i Golden State Warriors, e ora questo 270 viene confezionato in una familiare combinazione di nero e arancio per i San Francisco Giants. Total Orange funge da punto focale di questa varietà, adornando la maggior parte della sua tomaia e la sua bolla del tallone ingegnerizzata per lo stile di vita.
Una maglia blu è chiamata a fungere da materiale di base della tomaia, mentre gli accenti neri arrivano sulla punta, sull'avampiede, sulla linguetta del tallone e sulla gabbia del tallone in plastica. Nike Air Max 270 Saldi Il giallo dei guerrieri viene utilizzato principalmente per il branding in quanto la grafica della tomaia è tutta vestita di una tonalità audace. L'intersuola utilizza schiuma TPU bianca nella parte centrale del piede prima di lasciare il posto a una grande bolla d'aria con tacco giallo e la scarpa viene quindi completata con una suola nera, blu e gialla.
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If you were too busy watching Lady Gaga during halftime of the Super Bowl on Sunday and missed your chance at the adidas Ultra Boost "Silver Pack", there's good news. Adidas Ultraboost Men's/Women's The silver-coated Ultra Boost 3.0 is releasing once again at select boutiques across the world. That's right, you may not have blown your chances at the grey Primeknit colorway with a metallic silver Boost foam sole harder than the Atlanta Falcons blew their big lead, as the shoe drops again at global retailers.

Black Friday is a hotbed of limited sneaker releases each and every year. adidas is bringing back several classic Ultra Boost colorways this winter. Adidas Ultraboost Shoes It only makes sense that the Three Stripes would save some UB heat for Black Friday — and they’re doing just that, re-releasing their three-pair “Medal” pack from 2016 on the annual celebration of consumerism this year. Known for its metallic detailing and luxurious construction, the “Medal” pack nods to first, second, and third place awards in a unique way. The gold medal-inspired pair boasts a metallic gold heel cage with a luxe leather midfoot cage/tongue to represent the premium pinnacle of sporting achievement.
The silver medal-inspired pair calls upon a shimmering silver heel cage, and weaves silver details into the black upper for a blindingly brilliant silver look. Adidas Ultraboost Outlet Last — but certainly not least — the bronze medal-inspired pair keeps things simple with a copper heel cage pressed on a straightforward black upper, proving that less can be more.
Adidas Ultraboost on Sale For extra flare this winter season, the German Sportswear Brand is adding a refreshing lenticular hit on its heel cup, giving off a pleasing iridescent effect including shades of purples, blues, and greens, somewhat resemblant of the majestic Northern Lights. Finishing touches include a gradient flecked patterns that starts highly populated with dark grey at its ankle and gradually loosens up as it approaches the rest of its upper as well as colorful laces that match its aforementioned heel.
Since defining the Boost line-up in 2015, the Buy Adidas Ultraboost silhouette has become a staple for those favoring comfort and aesthetics. With Kanye wearing the original pair when the model first came out, we’ve seen a massive surge of popularity with a slow cooling-off in buzz after each later iteration. The German brand is now bringing a return to form with a re-release of 3 of its most popular colorways: the Chalk White (aka the “Cream”) as well as the two Rainbow toe editions that they’re dubbing the “Legacy Pack”.
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